This is default featured slide 1 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

Gates of Andaron (4Story/US), free2play mmorpg

Gates of Andaron (4Story/US) is a free2play massively multiplayer online role playing game. If you are looking for a "Fantasy Story", "Dungeons", "Conquests" and "Strategic Battles", 4Story:Gates of Andaron may be the righteous free to play mmorpg.Keyfeatures of Gates of Andaron:- 2 Factions (Valorian and Derion)- Miscellaneous races and classes- Mounts- Skills4 Story: Gates of Andaron - Download and play it for free!These Free2Play MMORPGs could...

Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011

Essential Colourcore

So it's like, a list of /mu/core albums sorted by colour. I'm a sucker for this kind of stu...

Jumat, 27 Mei 2011

Essential Simpsons

As a fan of obscure Simpsons references, I approve of this li...

Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011

Essential Female Rap


Essential UK Hip-Hop




Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

Status FB lucu dan gokil

Facebook merupakan salah satus situs jejaring sosial yang sekarang ini boleh di bilang menjadi rajanya social networking, ini terbukti dari perkembangan yang ada, setelah kita sudah mengetahui bagaimana cara masuk fb, nah kini saya ingin sedikit share mengenai status fb lucu dan gokil dimana kumpulan status fb gokil ini saya peroleh dari berbagai sumber di internetBerikut ini sebagian kecil...

Essential Hip-Hop

This list was created because the old hip-hop list apparently sucked. I am liking this new o...

Minggu, 01 Mei 2011

2ch's Russian Essentials

Edit: Some fellow in the comments was nice enough to list everything here for us who don't speak Russian, so I'll just put the list right here for ease of googling.А1: Егор и опизденевшие - Сто лет одиночестваА2: Аквариум - Радио АфрикаА3: Аукцыон - ПтицаА4: Земфира - ЗемфираА5: Звуки Му - Простые вещиБ1: Ноль - Песня о безответной любви к родинеБ2: Кино - Группа кровиБ3: Агата Кристи - ОпиумБ4: Линда - ВоронаБ5: Мумий Тролль - МорскаяВ1: Dolphin...