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Kamis, 29 April 2010

Grand Fantasia (free2play mmorpg)

Grand Fantasia is a free2play massively multiplayer online role playing game (f2p mmorpg) with an expansive and great fantasy world.Variety innovative and engaging features like the sprite crafting and extended pvp- and guild system grants Grand Fantasia a fair chance to survive in the strange world of mmorpg.Keyfeatures::: Explore the magical world of Saphael:: Branching Class Trees:: Customizable Sprite Companion:: Player Mounts (incredible menagerie of mounts):: Auction House:: PvE:: Skills:: Exciting PvP Combat:: Guild System:: Item Mall friendly::...

Rabu, 28 April 2010

Essential 90's Alternative Rock & Grunge

We already had a 90's Alt. Rock list on here somewhere, but I am making a new entry for this one because of the Grunge pa...

Essential Asian Pop

Whatever, just doing mah job. Plus, azn music can be A-OK too. Inb4 J-Rock list and whatn...

Selasa, 27 April 2010

Essential New Wave

So, since the guy who said he'd take care of this list disappeared, another mutant took charge and it's finally he...

Minggu, 25 April 2010

Essential K-Pop


Sabtu, 24 April 2010

Essential Jazz

New one:Older on...

MU vs Tottenham 3-1

Kemenangan telak 3-1 oleh Tottenham Hotspur, Manchester United memuncaki klasemen sementara Liga Inggris dengan nilai 79. Tiga gol MU dicetak oleh Ryan Giggs dan Nani.Gol pertama MU dicetak oleh Giggs dari titik penalti di menit ke-58. Berawal dari pelanggaran terhadap Evra di kotak penalti, Giggs ditunjuk sebagai eksekutor dan berhasil menyelesaikannya.Tottenham berhasil menyamakan kedudukan menjadi 1-1 di menit ke-70. Spurs mendapat hadiah tendangan...

Rabu, 21 April 2010

Mourinho Calon Pengganti Ferguson?

Berdasarkan kabar dari The Sun, masa pensiun Sir Alex Ferguson menangani Manchester United akan terjadi di tahun 2011. Nama yang dikaitkan sebagai calon pengganti Fergie adalah Jose Mourinho.Menjadi pelatih klub Manchester United merupakan impian Jose Mourinho. Mourinho pernah mengatakan bahwa dia akan sangat senang jika dia melatih tim sekelas Manchester United.Selain Mourinho, kabar lain terkait soal pengganti Fergie adalah David Moyes (Everton)...

Selasa, 20 April 2010

Essential Chiptune

Thanks to the dawg who e-mailed me th...

Essential Math Rock

A HUMBLE REQUEST: Someone please make a math rock list that doesn't suck.Bumping this shit. EDIT: Here's another essential Math Rock list I found while lurking /mu/ tod...

Sabtu, 17 April 2010

Essential Doom Metal

Doom metal and it's many offsprings.This list is temporary since Climaxia wants to make it better, so expect v2.0(?)BUMP. EDIT: UPDATED.BUMPAN. EDIT2: UPDATED ONCE MORE. 04/17...

Man City vs MU 0-1

Di stadion City of Manchester, Manchester United menang 1-0 atas Manchester City, Sabtu (17/4/2010). Gol Scholes menjadi penentu kemenangan MU di menit ke-93.Gol Scholes berawal dari umpan silang Patrice Evra dari sisi kiri dan diakhiri dengan sundulan Scholes dan masuk tepat di pojok gawang Man City.Kemenangan ini membuat selisih poin MU dengan Chelsea terpaut satu angka saja. Setelah ini, Chelsea akan bertandang ke kandang Tottenham.Klik disini...

Selasa, 13 April 2010

Shaiya - a free fantasy online role playing game

Immerse yourself in the fantasy world of Shaiya and daring experience in epic player battles! You have the choice between 2 fractions, since the fall of the Goddess Etain they are living in war.( Link to my original Shaiya Review, just for bolgsecurity: Shaiya - a free fantasy online role playing game ) Shajya became more than just one award in year 2007:- Best free MMORPG - Best Graphics- Most participants Features* 2 fractions (Alliance of light...

Senin, 12 April 2010

Essential Post-Hardcore


Last Chaos - free mmorpg

Last Chaos - Another good, free mmorpg from aeria games.You are alone, has nothing to do and you're bored? I think Last Chaos can help you to solve your problems ;)Features* Free2Play (100% free!)* 6 different, playable classes* A really pretty and big 3D Environment* Fast registration and download* PvE/PvP system (Player versus Environment | Player versus Player)* A great system for guild owners* Possible to hold pets* Open your own ingame-store...

Sabtu, 10 April 2010

Essential Synthpop

From the looks and the fact that there are two albums per artist, I'm guessing this was made by the same /mu/tant who did the Post-Punk one. Is this what he meant when he said he'd do a New Wave list? Synthpop = New Wav...

Rabu, 07 April 2010

Essential Jam Bands

"Jam bands are musical groups whose albums and live performances relate to a fan culture that originated with the 1960s group Grateful Dead and continued in the 1990s with Phish. The performances of these bands often feature extended musical improvisation ("jams") over rhythmic grooves and chord patterns and long sets of music that cross genre boundarie...

Essential Black Metal

Working now. Thanks Duv...

Essential Bawwwcore

Feel down? Wanna feel even worse? Here you...

Selasa, 06 April 2010

Guide to the "-cores"

Subjective, according to the author. don't know if tr...

Essential Shoegaze / Dream Pop


Essential Technical Death Metal


Essential Thrash Metal

UPDATE: Some kind anon sent in this updated version of the old thrash list. I've taken down the old one because A: I fucked up the HTML and lost it, and B: I can't be bothered finding it again and C: It wasn't very good to begin with.This one's better anyw...

Essential Industrial


Essential Alternative Rock

lol this is ambiguous. Also no names in the image >...

Essential Classical

The link in the imagePlus a couple of other folders with classical:

Essential Post-Rock


Essential Progressive Rock

>CAN>Talk Talk>progThere's one going around with Camel's "Mirage" instead of Spirit of E...

Essential Electronic



This list is old. I'm only keeping it here for archival purposes. Please look here for the new li...