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Minggu, 21 Desember 2008

Manchester United Meraih Piala Dunia Antar Klub 2008

Manchester United berhasil membawa pulang trofi Piala Dunia Antar Klub 2008 setelah mengalahkan klub asal Ekuador, LDU Quito, Minggu (21/12/2008), dengan skor 1-0. Kemenangan ini sekaligus menjadi kemenangan ketiga (treble winner) bagi MU tahun ini. Pertengahan tahun kemarin, MU meraih gelar juara Premier Liga dan Liga Champions.Satu-satunya gol MU dicetak oleh Wayne Rooney pada menit ke-73. Kemenangan itu merupakan prestasi pertama MU dan klub Inggris...

Sabtu, 20 Desember 2008

MU bertemu dengan Inter Milan di Babak 16 Besar Liga Champions

Hasil undian babak 16 besar Liga Champions, khususnya klub-klub Liga Inggris, harus bertemu dengan klub-klub asal Italia. Dari empat wakil Inggris, hanya Liverpool yang tidak bertemu dengan klub asal Italia. Liverpool bertemu dengan klub asal Spanyol, Real Madrid.First Leg 16 besar akan dimainkan pada 24-25 Februari 2009, sedangkan Second Leg dilangsungkan pada 10-11 Maret 2009. Tim yang berstatus runner-up di fase grup akan menjadi tuan rumah lebih...

Jumat, 19 Desember 2008

Man United vs Gamba Osaka 5-3

Juara Eropa asal Inggris, Manchester United, mengalahkan juara Liga Champions Asia asal Jepang, Gamba Osaka, pada partai semifinal Piala Dunia Antar Klub 2008 dengan skor telak 5-3. Laga itu diadakan di Stadion International, Yokohama, malam kemarin. Dari kemenangan ini, United memastikan diri melaju ke final untuk menantang LDU Quito. Wakil klub asal Ekuador itu lolos ke final setelah mengalahkan Pachuca 2-0.Di awal pertandingan, Gamba Osaka...

Senin, 15 Desember 2008

America's Army

  America's Army Publisher: U.S. Army Developer: U.S. Army Release Date: September 20, 2002 Genre: First-Person Shooter About This Game Taking cues from the currently popular trend to cater to the realism-enthused, America's Army is one of a new breed of team-based tactical first-person shooters. Costing approximately 6.3 million dollars to make and powered by next-generation Unreal technology,...

Minggu, 14 Desember 2008

The Sims Carnival: BumperBlast

The Sims Carnival: BumperBlast Publisher: Electronic Arts Developer: Electronic Arts Release Date: January 8, 2008 Genre: Action About This Game An entry in The Sims franchise designed for casual game players, The Sims Carnival games are designed to be enjoyable and accessible games for players of all ages. The Sims Carnival BumperBlast will have the player blasting away for hours! The goal in this arcade-style...

Sabtu, 13 Desember 2008

Desert Rats vs. Afrika Korps

  Desert Rats vs. Afrika Korps Publisher: Encore Software Developer: Digital Reality Release Date: March 23, 2004 Genre: Real-Time Strategy About This Game Desert Rats vs Afrika Korps is Real-Time Tactical game in full 3D with realistic graphics, real time shadows, localized damage effects, explosions, and variable weather effects. Missions...

Dreamfall: The Longest Journey

Dreamfall: The Longest Journey Publisher: Aspyr Developer: Funcom Release Date: May 24, 2007 Genre: Adventure, Fantasy About This Game Packing all of the adventure gaming of this adventure series into one package, this 2007 Game of the Year Edition includes the original The Longest Journey, Dreamfall: The Longest Journey and the MTV award-nominated original soundtrack for Dreamfall: The Longest Journey....

Kamis, 11 Desember 2008

Evil Genius

  Evil Genius Published by: Vivendi Games Developed by: Elixir Studios Release Date: September 28, 2004 Genre: Strategy About This Game Player assumes the role of a wicked mastermind bent on achieving global domination through the construction of the ultimate doomsday device. A tongue-in-cheek take on the 60's spy thriller genre, Evil Genius offers the player the chance to be the villain and...

Selasa, 09 Desember 2008

Ferdinand Ingin Pensiun Tahun 2012

Bek MU, Rio Ferdinand, masih ingin berprestasi bersama Manchester United hingga empat musim lagi. Dia mengatakan akan gantung sepatu tahun 2012 nanti bersamaan dengan selesainya kontraknya di Old Trafford.Ferdinand datang ke Old Trafford tahun 2002 dari Leeds United. Selama enam musim, dia sudah banyak menyumbangkan gelar bagi MU. Kontraknya berakhir tahun 2012. Sudah 10 tahun dia berkostum United.Saat ini usia Ferdinand 30 tahun. Berarti, dia akan mengakhiri karirnya pada umur 34 tahun di Old Trafford. Dia sudah merasakan semuanya dengan United....

Senin, 08 Desember 2008

XIII - PC Game

XIII Developer: Ubisoft Paris Publisher: Ubisoft Genre: Shooter Release Date: November 18, 2003 (US) About XIII Ubi Soft introduces cel-shading to the First-Person Shooter genre with the unique, politically-charged XIII. Discover the secrets of the conspiracy-rich plot and find out the mysterious connection between your shrouded past, and the President's assassination. Become a master of both stealth infiltration...

Second Sight

 Second Sight Developer: Free Radical Design Publisher: Codemasters Genre: Action Adventure Release Date: February 15, 2005 (US) Minimum System Requirements OS: Windows 2000/XP Processor: Pentium 3 @ 1 GHz or Athlon Equivalent Memory: 256 MB Hard Drive: 1 GB Free Video Memory: DirectX 9 Compatible Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0 Keyboard & Mouse CD/DVD Rom Drive...

Return to Castle Wolfenstein

Return to Castle Wolfenstein Developer: Gray Matter Studios Nerve Software Publisher: Activision Genre: Shooter Release Date: November 20, 2001 (US) About Return to Castle Wolfenstein Like the original id game, players assume the role of William J. 'B.J.' Blazkowicz, the Allies? bad boy of WWII espionage. The fate of the free world hangs in the balance as B.J. battles against the sadistic machinations of a Nazi war machine...